CTBC & CTX Worship Service Cancelled 3/8 & 3/15

Dear Congregation,

16 I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers,  17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him,  - Eph 3:16-17 (ESV)

I write to you out of a spirit of care and concern.  May God’s spirit of peace be with you.

As you may have heard earlier this week, Cornerstone Trinity has been monitoring the situation regarding COVID-19 and its spread in the Bay Area.  We have been advising our church members to remember the safe practices of washing hands, remaining home when sick, and covering coughs and sneezes.

In light of the city of San Francisco Public Health Department’s recommendation to cancel non-essential community gatherings for two weeks, and in light of the information we have regarding the spread of COVID-19, the Pastors, Board of Elders and Directors have made a collective decision to cancel all church events (fellowships, Sunday school classes, worship services, ministry gatherings, etc.) at Cornerstone Trinity campuses beginning tomorrow, Sunday March 8th through Sunday, March 15th.

We decided this to protect our congregation, our surrounding vulnerable populations, and our loved ones.  We also value being good citizens and want to model care for our neighbor not only within our church but to society at large.

More information will follow regarding access to sermons, various ministries meetings and logistics, and future decisions.  If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach us at (415) 566-5756 or by email at info@cornerstonetrinity.org.

We will continue to pray for our society and those affected by COVID-19.  Finally, we appreciate your patience and care and look forward to our time together in the future.


Rev. Kevin Wong 

Interim Senior Pastor