Congregational Update July 2020

Dear CTBC Congregation,

This summer has arrived, and while many typically seek refuge or vacation at this time, our region is facing the ongoing prospect of shelter in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  While we long to be together as the apostle Paul did for his churches, we too face down the possibility of not gathering together for the near future.

As we mentioned in our Zoom on June 19th, our intention was to re-open as the city approached phase 3 of the state’s plan issued by the governor.  However, San Francisco drastically slowed down its progress, charting the rate of infection and following research models.  Religious leaders were also told that their timeline for gatherings would follow the same timeline as other large indoor facilities and businesses.

Based on these factors and along with the congregation’s response to our survey, we have made the decision to extend our current practice of remaining closed to in person meetings for worship, ministries, and meetings through July 26th.

I do want to inform you, however, that San Francisco and San Mateo counties have opened up for social and religious gatherings outdoors.  Beginning in July, in coordination with the AK Leaders, College Sponsors and youth fellowship leaders, our small groups will be eligible to meet for optional once a month outdoor gatherings in groups of up to 12 (or 6 for a meal).  Our guidelines will follow each respective counties, but please consider these optional and follow proper social distancing practices, such as not meeting for longer than two hours, wearing face coverings, properly washing hands, and maintaining six feet distance.  We will also pay attention to the county guidelines as they are subject to change, especially San Francisco.

Here are some tips from the counties:

San Francisco: Mateo: (see section 13f regarding social bubbles and meeting outdoors)

As before, we will continue our online worship services and small group gatherings.  Sunday school classes will also continue over Zoom.  For links for your respective age groups, please email  Thank you again for your prayers and support, and please persevere in being a neighbor to your neighbors wherever you come across them.


Rev. Kevin Wong